
Parent/School Relationships

parents2At St Mary's we aim to foster positive relationships with parents. We welcome their support and input into their children's education and, over a number of years, we have run family learning workshops which have been well attended. We also recognise and share parent's skills and talents within school. Some parents have contributed to pupils' learning during our black history focus and others have shared their dance expertise or creative skills.

Our parents are part of our school family and are invited to join us at church, termly, and for class assemblies. Parents and guardians also enjoy the annual sports day, often taking part themselves!

Parent Courses

We have an established menu of courses for parents. We have had some parents who have trained to be teachers on the Graduate Teaching Programme, and have successfully gained teaching posts in schools in Birmingham. Some of our parents have achieved a Level 2 or Level 3 NVQ in childcare with us and have gone on to take up posts as Classroom Assistants. We have held a number of courses including CLAiT, first aid, health and beauty and English as an additional language to name just a few.

Parent's Association

parents1At St Mary's we have a Parent's Association which is run solely by our Parents to benefit the school. They have successfully run competitions, raffles, family events and a summer fayre. We have also been supported by parents in bidding for grants to develop the outdoor learning environment.

Parent's Consultations

We regularly report to our parents. We are available throughout the year for discussion about individual children and endeavour to keep our parents informed about their child's progress and behaviour. There is a formal parents' evening held termly. Annually parents receive a written report. We also aim to offer support to families during those more difficult times and to highlight those pupils who have shown particular talents.