St. Mary's C. of E. Primary Academy

and Nursery


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The Governing Body meet at least once a term to discuss strategic decisions and school improvement. There are several committees which meet regularly. The Governing Body includes elected representatives of parents and teachers as well as representatives of the local authority, community groups and the Diocese. Governors hold office for four years. Governors can only act together, they cannot act individually. All of our governors are allocated a class which they are paired with; this enables governors to have a hands-on understanding of the day to day ethos and values of the school.

To download the declaration of interests information please click the link for each Governor.

List of Governors

DB2      Decleration of Interests

Mr Dave Bagley - Chair of Governors

Mr Bagley is a company director who specialises in giving support to schools particularly in the area of finance and school improvement. He has been a governor for many years.

Decleration of Interests

Mr Jagtar Sehjal - Vice Chair 

He is a senior IT specialist involved in international work and an active parent governor. He has been a governor for many years.

FB2      Decleration of Interests

Revd Dr Bob Stephen

Father Bob is the Rector at St Mary's Church. He is a former Secondary School teacher and plays an active role in life at St Mary's C of E Academy.

Decleration of Interests

Miss Mary Edwards

Miss Edwards is a former Director of Education for Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education and is a former Head Teacher. She is currently a Lay Reader.

ME2      Decleration of Interests

Mr Mike Ewins - Parent Governor

Mr Ewins is a senior social worker and is our Safeguarding Champion. He has been a governor for a number of years and is an active Parent Governor.

Decleration of Interests

Ms Helena France

Ms France has been a Governor for over 20 years. She is a retired teacher who has a wealth of EAL experience.

IMG 0114   Edited      Decleration of Interests

Miss Maureen Woodley- Deputy Head Teacher- Staff Governor

Miss Woodley has been a teacher at St Mary’s for many years. . 

IMG 0110   Edited      Decleration of Interests

Mrs Rebecca Freeman-Staff Governor

Mrs Freeman has been at teacher at St Mary's for 6 years. 

EL2      Decleration of Interests

Mrs Ethel Lubin

Mrs Lubin has been a Governor for many years and works in a local Primary School as a Teaching Assistant.


Decleration of Interests

Mrs Sharon Dooley- Parent Governor

Mrs Dooley is a new Parent Governor who works in Adult Education.

 Decleration of Interests

Mrs Melanie Johnson

Mrs Johnson is a Parent Governor who is also an Assitant Head Teacher at another primary school.

Decleration of Interests

Mrs Anthea Insular-Butcher

Mrs Insular-Butcher is a Parent Governor who teaches in higher education. 


Miss Emma Dixon

Miss Emma Dixon is our Clerk.